Eric O’Brien, Acolyte Director

Acolytes participate in the services either as a server or crucifer. They not only light candles and help set the table for the Eucharist, but also assist the clergy when called. One may be trained as an acolyte as early as age 10 and although they are recognized by the Bishop once they become seniors in high school, they are able to maintain this ministry into adulthood if desired. Acolytes are present at the 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and Evensong services

Susan Kiger, Altar Guild Directress

The Altar Guild sets up the altar and Chancel for all worship services. Among their duties are cleaning the silver used during communion, placing the proper altar hangings and general maintenance of the altar and surrounding areas.

Jon Kolenchak, Organist & Choirmaster

The Chancel Choir is made up of individuals – young and “mature” – who love choral music and contribute to our Sunday worship services through singing. They meet on Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30 p.m. and have a warm-up rehearsal on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. for the 10:00 service. The Choir Season runs from the first Thursday after Labor Day through Trinity Sunday (late May or early June).

Jerry Stephenson, Director

Greeters are usually a wedded couple or a family who welcome parishioners, visitors, and newcomers as they arrive to the worship service. They also help to direct people who are not familiar with the premesis get where they need to be.

The Rev. Brandon Cooper, Director

The Lay Eucharistic Minister program is a way for those who are homebound or in the hospital to   receive a visit and communion. On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, a team of two LEMs is assigned to visit a parishioner unable to make it to church. During a brief visit, the Gospel is read and communion is shared from the day’s consecrated Eucharist.  It serves as an extension of the feast celebrated that morning in church. There is a rotating schedule of those who are visited. Please let the church office know if you or someone close to you would benefit from these regular visits.

Bob Kaminski, Director

Lay Readers participate in the service by reading scripture, leading The Prayers of the People or chalice bearing during communion.

David Raitt, Director

Ushers assist in the nave to make sure parishioners are comfortable. They distribute bulletins, take up the collection, count attendance and guide people to the communion rail.